
Servicing Centrifuge Repairs & Rebuilds Across All Industries

Roemer Machine has been a leader in centrifuge repairs and rebuilds for 50 years, serving customers in a variety of industries worldwide. As experts, we are well versed in all the leading centrifuge brands, serving both national and international companies in the pharmaceutical, ethanol, processing and meatpacking, waste water treatment, and chemical industries, and beyond.

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Academic and clinical research labs deploy centrifuges for a variety of different needs and gives them the ability to purify cells, viruses, proteins, and more.

Icon for Processing & Meatpacking
Processing & Meatpacking

Centrifuges in the processing and meatpacking industry are used to separate any animal by-products from the meat.

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Centrifuges in the pharmaceutical industry are utilized most in laboratory settings by chemists and biologists alike, using its centrifugal force to separate the liquids from the solids (i.e., separating plasma from heavier blood cells).

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Over 95% of ethanol is produced from corn. After the distillation process, the stillage is sent through a centrifuge, separating liquids from solids. What’s left is known as ethanol co-products which is a valuable matter for livestock.

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Waste Water Treatment

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, centrifuges have been used in wastewater treatment since the 1930s, separating wastewater solids from the liquids.

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Thanks for helping us out and give Bill a big thanks for us too. Lots of driving for not much on site work but we have never had the solids end off before. Good for us to see.
Scott Tostenson
Maintenance Manager at Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co.
I did want to thank you for your work on our machine. We have not had a machine run this well since we started up our little pilot/semi-works plant over 4 years ago. You guys really did a phenomenal job getting the machine repaired and returned to us. I want to thank you again.
Kevin Sparks
Thanks so much for the great work you have done on this gear box issue. Much appreciated. Everything has run very quietly and smoothly on all of the machines so far.
Larell Palmer
Consultant Engineer
Roemer is the shop I selected for the meat room Sharples unit. I could stand a nickel on its edge while the machine was running the first time we turned it on when we got it back.
Mark Gonzagowski
Your facility is staffed with some highly skilled individuals to produce the quality and long lasting name you have earned. I wish to only help this following with field service if at all possible.
Cory Peterson
Mechanical Solutions